- 發布日期:
- 最後更新日期:113-03-02
- 資料點閱次數:6415
Sections, Offices and Titles English-Chinese Glossary Table
English |
Chinese(中文) |
Kinmen Branch. Fuchien High Prosecutors Office |
福建高等檢察署金門檢察分署 |
Fuchien Kinmen District Prosecutors Office | 福建金門地方檢察署 |
Fuchien Lienchiang District Prosecutors Office | 福建連江地方檢察署 |
Chief Prosecutor Office |
檢察長室 |
Chief Prosecutor |
檢察長 |
Head Prosecutor Office |
主任檢察官室 |
Head Prosecutor |
主任檢察官 |
Prosecutor Office |
檢察官室 |
Prosecutor |
檢察官 |
Prosecutor Investigator Office |
檢察事務官室 |
Prosecutor Investigator |
檢察事務官 |
Clerk Division |
書記處 |
Chief Secretary |
書記官長 |
Records Section |
紀錄科 |
Enforcement Section |
執行科 |
Clerk |
書記官 |
Clerk Assistant |
錄事 |
Documentation Section |
文書科 |
Research and Evaluation Section |
研考科 |
General Affairs Section |
總務科 |
Section Chief |
科長 |
Interpreter |
通譯 |
General Affairs Officer |
庶務 |
Cashier |
出納 |
Forensic Medical Examiner Office |
法醫室 |
Forensic Medical Examiner |
法醫師 |
Forensic Investigator |
檢驗員 |
Bailiff Office |
法警室 |
Chief Bailiff |
法警長 |
Deputy Chief Bailiff |
副法警長 |
Bailiff |
法警 |
Information Management Office |
資訊室 |
Systems Coordinator |
資訊管理師 |
Systems Operator |
操作員 |
Probation Office |
觀護人室 |
Chief Probation Officer |
主任觀護人 |
Probation Officer |
觀護人 |
Counseling Room |
諮商室 |
Urine Collection Room |
採尿室 |
Personnel Office |
人事室 |
Accounting Office |
會計室 |
Statistics Office |
統計室 |
Civil Service Ethics Office |
政風室 |
Director |
主任 |
Officer |
科員 |
Archives |
檔案室 |
Loot storage |
贓證物庫 |
Mail Room |
收發室 |
Criminal Case Registration |
刑事報到處 |
Investigation Room |
偵查庭 |
Service Center |
為民服務中心 |
Terminologies of Criminal Code English-Chinese Glossary Table
English |
Chinese(中文) |
Criminal Code |
刑法 |
General Provisions |
總則 |
Application of the Code |
法例 |
Criminal Responsibility |
刑事責任 |
Attempt |
未遂犯 |
Joint Offenders |
共犯 |
Punishment |
刑 |
Recidivism |
累犯 |
Combined Punishment for Several Offences |
數罪併罰 |
Sentence of Punishment and Its Increase and Reduction |
刑之酌科之加減 |
Suspension of Punishment |
緩刑 |
Parole |
假釋 |
Statute of Limitations |
時效 |
Rehabilitative Measures |
保安處分 |
Specific Offenses |
分則 |
Offenses Against the Internal Security of the State |
內亂罪 |
Offenses Against the External Security of the State |
外患罪 |
Offenses of Interference with Relations with Other States |
妨害國交罪 |
Offenses of Malfeasance in Office |
瀆職罪 |
Offenses of Obstructing an Officer in Discharge of Duties |
妨害公務罪 |
Offenses of Interference with Voting |
妨害投票罪 |
Offenses of Interference with Public Order |
妨害秩序罪 |
Offenses of Escape |
脫逃罪 |
Offenses of Concealment of Offences and Destruction of Evidence |
藏匿人犯罪及湮滅證據罪 |
Offenses of Perjury and Malicious Accusation |
偽證及誣告罪 |
Offenses Against Public Safety |
公共危險罪 |
Offenses of Counterfeiting Currency |
偽造貨幣罪 |
Offenses of Counterfeiting Securities |
偽造有價証卷罪 |
Offenses of Falsifying Weights and Measures |
偽造度量衡罪 |
Offenses of Forging Instruments or Seals |
偽造書印文罪 |
Sex Offenses |
妨害風化罪 |
Offenses Against Marriage and Family |
妨害婚姻及家庭罪 |
Offenses Against Religion, Graves, and Corpses |
褻瀆祀典及侵害墳墓屍體罪 |
Offenses Against Agriculture, Industry, and Commerce |
妨害農工商罪 |
Offenses Relating to Opium |
鴉片罪 |
Offenses of Gambling |
賭博罪 |
Offenses of Homicide |
殺人罪 |
Offenses of Causing Bodily Harm |
傷害罪 |
Offenses of Abortion |
墮胎罪 |
Offenses of Desertion |
遺棄罪 |
Offenses Against Abandonment |
妨害自由罪 |
Offenses Against Reputation and Credit |
妨害名譽及信用罪 |
Offenses Against Privacy |
妨害秘密罪 |
Offenses of Larceny |
竊盜罪 |
Offenses of Abrupt Taking, Robbery and Piracy |
搶奪、強盜及海盜 |
Offenses of Criminal Conversion |
侵占罪 |
Offenses of Fraudulent, Breach of Trust, Taking, and Usury |
詐欺背信及重利罪 |
Offenses of Extortion and Kidnapping for Ransom |
恐嚇及擄人勒贖罪 |
Offenses of Receiving Stolen Property |
贓物罪 |
Offenses of Destruction, Abandonment, and Damage of Property |
毀棄損壞罪 |
Terminologies of Criminal Procedure English-Chinese Glossary Table
English |
Chinese(中文) |
The Code of Criminal Procedure |
刑事訴訟法 |
General Provisions |
通則 |
Jurisdiction Of Courts |
法院管轄 |
Disqualification of Court Officers |
法院職員之迴避 |
Documents |
文書 |
Service |
送達 |
Party |
當事人 |
Defendant |
被告 |
Private Prosecutor |
自訴人 |
Prosecutor |
檢察官 |
Defense Attorney |
辯護人 |
Agent |
告訴代理人 |
Assistant |
輔佐人 |
Witness |
證人 |
Victim |
被害人 |
Prosecutor Investigator |
檢察事務官 |
Judicial Police Officer |
司法警察官 |
Judge |
法官 |
Expert Witness |
鑑定人 |
Interpreter |
通譯 |
Prosecutors' Order |
強制處分 |
Summon |
傳喚 |
Examination of Accused |
訊問 |
Arrest with a Warrant |
拘提 |
Arrest |
逮捕 |
Circular Order |
通緝 |
Detention of Accused |
羈押 |
Bail |
交保 |
Commit the Accused to the Custody of |
責付 |
With a Limitation on Someone's Residence |
限制住居 |
Physical Examination |
身體檢查 |
Detention of an Accused for Expert Examination |
留置鑑定 |
Search |
搜索 |
Seizure |
扣押 |
Expert Examination |
鑑定 |
Inspection |
勘驗 |
Perpetuation of Evidence |
證據保全 |
Investigation Concluded |
偵查終結 |
Not to prosecuted |
不起訴 |
Deferred Prosecution |
緩起訴 |
Indictment |
起訴 |
Apply for Summary Judgment |
聲請簡易判決處刑 |
Apply for Reconsideration of the Ruling |
聲請再議 |
Ex Officio Send the Ruling for Reconsideration |
職權送再議 |
Setting for Trail |
交付審判 |
Judiciary Proceedings |
審判程序 |
Preliminary Proceeding |
準備程序 |
Regular Proceeding |
通常程序 |
Summary Procedure |
簡易程序 |
Private Prosecution |
自訴 |
Public Prosecution |
公訴 |
The First Instance |
第一審 |
The Second Instance |
第二審 |
Trial |
審判 |
Surrender Oneself up to Justice |
自首 |
Confession |
自白 |
Convert Imprisonment into Fine |
易科罰金 |
Sentenced Person |
受刑人 |
Mediation Mechanism |
調解程序調解程序 |
- 檢察體系專有名詞中英文對照表.pdf220 KB 110-07-24 下載次數:200